
Voleo bih da prokomentarisem o nekoliko filmova.Prvi medju njima je B13.Radi se o okrugu B13 u kome zive ljudi(olos) i to je mesto gde se droga slobodno prodaje jer policija nije u mogucnosti da prekine dilovanje.glavni u okrugu je Taha sa svojim coporom pasa tj 2000 svojih ljudi koji su spremni da poginu zabog njega sve dok ih placa.Glavni glumci Leito(svtanovnik) i Damnian Carlose Montoya(vrhunski policajac imaju zadatak da deaktiviraju bomu i spasu sestru Leita.Taha ih hvata u tom pokusaju ali policija prazni njegove racune i nastaje problem kako da se plati privatna vojska, gde ga i ona sama ubija.Desna ruka Tahe, K2 udruzuje se sa ova 2 Glavna Glumca(GG) i pomaze im u deaktiviranju bombe.Kasnije se ispostavi da bomba nije aktivirana nego da su je francuzi poslali u taj okrug da bi pocistili a kodom se aktivira.Organizovanog za bombu strpavaju u zatvor a u znak paznje Leitu sto je spasio B13, grade skole i razne centre za razvitak b13.Za vise informacija mozete mi poslati e-mail na [email protected] tu mozete dobiti film FOR FREE.

B13 on englishT

The movie opens telling us that in the near future certain cities around Paris became segregated, blocking off the rougher neighborhoods into oversized areas filled with crime and corruption.  The police stay out, and the criminals stay in.  In District B13 a ruthless crime lord named Taha (Bibi Naceri) runs drugs and guns without remorse.  Some in his area don't like it, especially Leito (David Belle), who would like nothing more than to do away with all of Taha's drugs.  When the criminals kidnap his sister Lola (Dany Verissimo), Leito rescues her and turns the tables on Taha, taking him to the police.  But the cops surprise him by releasing the crime boss, and locking him up instead.  Taha gets away with Lola.  Months later a tough cop named Damien (Cyril Raffaelli) is given an assignment which requires him to go into B13.  His superiors order him to find a bomb, which was stolen by Taha and his men.  He is paired with Leito, who is fresh out of prison, since Leito knows the area so well.  While Damien simply wants to do his job, Leito is more concerned with rescuing his sister.  But if these two don't work together as a team, neither one may survive